[Guernican Moon] 13 Octubre - Akasaka Blitz (FT Only)


- Gustave
- Baby, I Want You
- Buster
- Hikari no Teikoku
- Salome
- Gesshoku
- Igniter
- Babiro Juujidan
- The Seaside Story
- Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight
- Babel
- Moon Sayonara wo Oshiete
- BOY Septem Peccata Mortalia
- Tenshi wa Dare da
- Memento Mori

Encore I
- Guernica no Yoru
- Tainai Kaiki
- Die

Encore II
- Galaxy
- Kyouki no Deadheat
- Kodou


Comentarios de lo que ocurrió (traducidos del Japonés al Inglés por Yoshiyuuki)
Comments of what happened during the show (Japanese-English translations by Yoshiyuuki)

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[Español] Yuta andaba con un abrigo color verde kaki (?)
[English] Yuta wore a khaki (?) green trench coat

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[Español] Toll andaba con un terno con cuello color menta y muñecas de animal print. Hide andaba con algo que parecía tener rayas translúcidas de colores negro y gris. Imai y Yuta vistieron las poleras de Halloween para el encore 2.
[English] Ani wore a tux with a mint coloured collar and leopard print cuffs. Hide wore something that had translucent black and grey stripes. Imai and Yuta wore Halloween tees for the encore 2.

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[Español] Sakurai andaba con una especie de polera roja (?) con encaje color púrpura oscuro, las mangas eran de encaje con mangas anchas. En el frente una especie de corbata suelta, ala parte de atrás era estilo corset. Ligas de encaje, pero sin portaligas.
[English] Acchan wore a red top with brownish purple lace on it, sleeves were lace with flowy cuffs. In his front, flowy bowtie, his back was laced up corset style. Lace knee-high stockings, but no garter belt.

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[Español] Introducción de los miembros (por Sakurai): *Toll hizo un solo de batería, luego vino el momento de presentar a Yuta*  "Este es el hermano menor de Ani"
[English] Member intro time: *Ani did a drum solo, then when it came to introducing Yuta*  "This is Ani's younger brother"

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[Español] Para Hide: "Este es el compañero de curso de Yuta"
[English] For Hide: "This is Yuta's classmate"

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[Español] *mira a Imai*: "¿Y este quién es?"
[English] *looks at Imai*: "now who's this?"

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[Español] "Mi apreciado compañero de curso, Imai Hisashi"
[English] "My precious classmate, Imai Hisashi"

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[Español] *Acchan le pasa el micrófono a un nervioso Yuta. Después de un momento* : "En voz, Sakurai Atsushi"
[English] *Acchan passes the mic to a flustered Yuta. Eventually...*: "On vocals, Sakurai Atsushi"

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[Español] Aparentemente Hide se veía extra genial al mover su cabello con su mano y su maquillaje natural.
[English] Apparently Hide was extra cool with flippin' his hair with his hand and natural looking makeup

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[Español] Acchan andaba con labial color rojo sangre.
[English] Acchan had blood red lipstick on.

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[Español] Sakurai estaba arreglando su labial durante el encore
[English] Sakurai was fixing his lipstick during the encore

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[Español] Tocaron "memento mori". Durante esta canción, Sakurai bailó con manitos de gato y Yuta movía sus caderas en la forma de siempre.
[English] "memento mori" was played. During which Sakurai was dancing with his cat paws and Yuta was shaking his hips as he does.

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[Español] Esta vez, las cartas coleccionables son distintas en la parte de atrás dependiendo de quién es el de la foto.
[English] The trading cards are different for each member on the back this time.


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